Third Largest Borough with 59 square miles of land
Racial and ethnic breakdown
White: 75.7%
Most common European ancestry group: Italian and Russian
Black/African American: 10.6%
Hispanic/Latino of any race: 17.3%
Asian: 7.5%
NYU Furman Center, Racial and Ethnic Composition of Staten Island, 2019, screenshot, “Staten Island Neighborhood Profile.” n.d.
According to statistics from 2019, the median household income was $94,000
The poverty rate is 8.3%
NYU Furman Center, Poverty Rate in Staten Island, 2019, screenshot, “Staten Island Neighborhood Profile.” n.d.
Themedian individual income is approximately $41,000
Niche, Staten Island Demographics and Statistics, n.a, screenshot, “Staten Island Demographics and Statistics.” n.d. Niche.
Majority of the residents have at least a high school diploma.
Niche, Staten Island Demographics and Statistics, n.a, screenshot, “Staten Island Demographics and Statistics.” n.d. Niche.
Annadale is a middle-class neighborhood located in the South Shore. It is a majority white neighborhood with a population of about 5,000 people.
NYC Planning, Population FactFinder, 2020, Planning, Population FactFinder, 2020,
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